Mommy Hangin' On

A blog about one mother's desperate attempts to hang on to some kind of cool.


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Saturday, April 2, 2011

And now for something completely different...

The other day, a friend and I were talking about how society has changed since we were young.  (cue the granny voice) Nowadays it seems that there is so much pressure on kids to be cool.  Sure, I know I'm barely hanging on, but I worry about what things will be like when my daughters are teenagers.

I understand that I am less than an authority on teenagers, as my daughters are still early in the single digits, but I am entitled to my opinion, however unpopular it may be.  I know I've got lots of time left to enjoy the little kid stage, as my girls are only 2 and 3, and I often have to remind myself to live in the moment, but time passes quickly and I like to be prepared.

First of all, I am completely against dressing your child like an adult.  I heard about a bikini top for girls that makes it look like they have little boobies in their bathing suit.  BOOBS!  Seriously?? There is nothing worse than seeing a little kid with a t-shirt that says "sexy" or something equally disgusting and adult.  My daughter will NOT dress like a teenage slut (no matter how much she begs for it).

And another should be treated like kids.  Note to my daughters: I am the grown-up (well, most of the time).  I am NOT your friend, although I love you madly, and it is my job to make the rules, regardless of what you may think of them. I am fully prepared to be hated, at least for the duration of the teen years.

I am a realist and know that everyone wants to be liked.  We all want to be cool and fit in.  I just want to shield my daughters from the pressures of being an adult for as long as I possibly can.  I often pray that my daughters are dorky late-developers.

Any advice would be welcome....

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