Mommy Hangin' On

A blog about one mother's desperate attempts to hang on to some kind of cool.


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Sunday, April 3, 2011


Last night, my husband and I went on a date.  A late dinner date.  Our reliable and fabulous babysitter arrived and the girls were thrilled to see her.  We haven't seen her in a while and it was the first time she's babysat since both girls have graduated to big girl beds. 

As we snuck out of the house, I felt a little shameful, knowing that there was no possible way that the girls would go to sleep with the sitter. 

Most nights, it takes a team of adults, many stuffed animals, warm chocolate milk and blankies to get to sleep.  Also, either myself or dad must actually lay with them, then creep out once we're sure that our little angels have finally fallen to sleep.  I'll admit that I've been caught by my three year old, crab-crawling like a lunatic across her bedroom floor before she was officially asleep, which by the way is much scarier than anything in her imagination.

Imagine my shock (and horror) when the sitter texted me just to let me know that both girls were asleep in their own beds!  I showed dad the text and we stared at it dumbfounded.  How? How? How?

Not wanting to directly interrogate the sitter, I did what any reasonable mother would do...I questioned Lucy about how the sitter put them to sleep the next day.  Her reply, "She sat on the stool and read us a story, just like you do, mommy". 

Ummm, okay..
That's so not what I do.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious!! I can't tell you how many times I did the quiet slitherl out of the bed and the crawl across the floor.


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